
A dream... an unforgettable experience!

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Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I'm a simple being with ordinary dreams. Most of the times, I'm searching for something or the other and the rest of the times... there is something that needs my attention. This can keep a person very very busy u c! I love my life... and I really believe that it loves me too.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Episode 6

Ms. Clarissa Bencher is one of the most able administrators of Dr. Mac Meyer and has a fine ability to assess and judge people. She is of the kind who will test you right from the fiber with which you are made. Nothing can be hid from her. She can see through anybody. Stern, lean and tall Clarissa is a widow of a very sincere army man. She has seen life in all dimensions and that is what makes Mac Meyer believe that she is a class apart.

Clarissa says to the selected six, “I believe you all know about the risks that you are taking up in Mission Marshal 678A. Your life is at stake and believe me NASA doesn’t take much responsibility if something unexpected happens out there. Yes! It is true that your family will be paid handsomely but still there is a huge loss… this irreparable and permanent loss… your parents will never get you back and your children will never see you again. So it is my genuine advice to each of you, think twice. I agree there is adventure, but things don’t really happen the way you expect them to. I’m not trying to scare you or shoo you away from the honor but I’ve seen the consequences and it is my responsibility to put you a foreword.”

Throughout her speech Ms. Bencher looked straight into the eyes of the six contenders and clearly she was reading their minds. She then continued, “So Ms. Singhania, I believe this is the second time that you have been nominated to go on this mission… what happened the first time? Were you scared?” Ritvika knew this was coming. Instinctively she said, “Not scared, bound”, Clarissa shot a deep glare at her, “Free from the bonds already?” “If aim stands taller than any other bond, I am absolutely free from every bond existing on Earth to go to Mars”. Clearly pleased, Clarissa gave her a faint smile and shifted her attention to a file on the desk and said, “While I ask the other five to leave, might I have a quick word with Mr. Renae”